Judge Dredd Wiki
Vital statistics
Position Ex-Chief Judge
Age Crime and Punishment
Status Deceased
Physical attributes
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

 Chief Judge Cal was an insane tyrant that made a mockery of the Justice System and held power over Mega-City One as Chief Judge for a hundred days, causing chaos throughout before being killed by the combined efforts of Judge Dredd and the Undercity dweller Fergee.


Cal was well known to be highly ambitious and would take down anyone who stood in his way by any means necessary. Even before becoming the Chief Judge he was shown to be highly corrupt, misusing his role as head of the SJS to make its Judges into assassins.  His personality was camp, playful and undeniably twisted, which only furthered the more his insanity grew.


Cal dreamed of absolute power and would stop at nothing to get it. When Judge Dredd returned from his mission to Mega-City Two, Cal began a scheme to take control of Mega-City One. Hiring a robot designer named Chick Parker to make a deadly robot styled after Dredd. After completing the mission, Cal murdered Parker and sent the robot to kill two newspaper men and frame Dredd for the crimes. For this, the real Dredd is arrested and sent to Titan. However he escapes, destroys his robot duplicate and proves his innocence.

