Judge Dredd Wiki
Fred 1
Vital statistics
Position Robot murderer
Age Luna 1
Status Destroyed
Physical attributes
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Fred 1 was a robot assassin sent by the Moonie Corporation to kill Judge Dredd.


Fred 1 was a scheming little machine that would lie to get its target.


Fred 1 was sent by Mr. Moonie to kill the recently instated Marshal, Judge Dredd. Upon being discovered hiding in a wardrobe by Walter the Robot, Fred 1 instinctively sprang into action trying to cut off Dredd's head with an axe. Dredd dogged and grabbed a hold of the pint-sized assassin and questioned him on who hired him, the question however triggered a self destruct code in Fred. Instinctively Dredd tosses Fred through a window just before exploding. 
