- 0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR'Z
- 13
- 2000AD
- Aaron A. Aardvark
- Academy of Law
- Aeroball
- Aiko Inaba
- Air Bike
- Alan Craddock
- Alien Catcher General
- Aliens
- Alki-4
- Alkis
- Alvin
- Amalfi
- America
- America Beeny
- America Jara
- Anne Thorpe
- Annie Parkhouse
- Antarean Tentatee
- Anti Personnel Grabber
- Anunnuki
- Apache Demons
- Appleton
- Artie Gruber
- Badge Maker
- Baggie
- Baltimore Bullets
- Baltimore Bulls
- Banjo Quint
- Bank Raid
- Barbara Hershey
- Behemoth the Beast
- Belisha Beck
- Bennett Beeny
- Berlin Blitzkreigs
- Bethsheba
- Big Boy
- Big Cyril
- Big Zak
- Block Buster 7
- Blondel Dupre
- Bloodplants
- Bob Nicely
- Boing
- Brainblooms
- Brian Bolland
- Brian Urwin Skuter
- Brother Gomorrah
- Brother Jobee
- Brother Morgar
- Brother Obee
- Brother Sodom
- Brotherhood of Darkness
- Brotherhood of Darkness (Group)
- Brufen
- Bull Cannon
- Burger King Creeps
- Burger King Judge
- Bushido Blades
- By Private Contract
- C.W Moonie
- Cal
- Call-Me-Kenneth
- Call Me Sparky
- Carlos Ezquerra
- Cassandra Anderson
- Cassandra Anderson (Movieverse)
- Charlie Vance
- Charnaks
- Che
- Chico
- Chico Travis
- Chief Crazy Dog
- Chip J. Lowther
- Chorr
- Clarence Goodman
- Class of '79
- Cliq
- Clubman
- Colin MacNeil
- Conrad Conn
- Conrad King
- Corden
- Corzo
- Cosmovich
- Crazy Al
- Credits
- Croll
- Crustacia Tuttle
- Crynge
- Daisy Dices
- Dark Judges
- Day of Chaos
- Deadworld
- Deadworld Judges
- Deadworld Locusts
- Death Valley
- Dekker
- Deliverance
- Dementia
- Demons
- Dennis Mennis
- Desmon Stich
- Devil's Island
- Devlin Waugh
- Diablo
- Dimitrov
- Dinosaurs
- Dolman
- Doomsday Dogs
- Dr. Gribbons
- Dr. Panic
- Drake Wendt
- Dreams of Deadworld
- Dredd Robot
- Duck Billed Yabba-Dabba
- Eden
- Edward Bernardo
- Elan Fauster
- Elmer
- Elmer and Abner
- Elvis
- Ephemera
- Erie Uile
- Fang Beest
- Farrow
- Fast Eeek
- Fat Gun
- Father Earth
- Ferd Plaski
- Fergee
- Fergee Memorial Statue
- Feyy
- Fingers
- Fire Engine Robot
- Fish
- Flying Scotsmen
- Fodder
- Folger
- Frank Quitely
- Fred
- Fred 1
- Fungus Bellamy
- Galen DeMarco
- Garrhounds
- Gary Caldwell
- Geek Gorgon
- General Blood'n'Guts
- George
- Gestapo Bob Harris
- Giant
- Giant Jr
- Giant Preying Mantis
- Gibson
- Gideon Otomo
- Gila-Munja
- Glass
- Gloppus
- Gorgon's Gargoyles
- Gorilla
- Graham
- Grampus
- Greek City Giants
- Gribbons Creations
- Grubb's Disease
- Grusk
- Gulliver Mayhew
- Hadrian Volt
- Hairy
- Half-Life
- Hanasar
- Harlem Heroes
- Harry Carmen
- Heavy Metal Kids
- Henry Dubble
- Henry Ford
- Hidi Exxon
- Hilda Margaret McGruder
- Hojo
- Holbein
- Honus
- Horned Slay Rider
- Howard
- Hugh Howards
- Igor Sansky
- Ikkabod
- Inferno
- J70 Stroke 13
- Jack
- Jack Point
- Jim Grubb
- Joe Bananas
- Joe Levine
- Joe Mugglie
- John Clay
- John Nobody
- John Wagner
- Johnny Alpha
- Jon Baptiste
- Josef Bulgarin
- Joseph Dredd
- Jox
- Judas Nebb
- Judda
- Judge Bolt
- Judge Child Quest
- Judge Chronos
- Judge Death
- Judge Dredd: Mega-City One
- Judge Dredd: The Mega Collection
- Judge Dredd Wiki
- Judge Fear
- Judge Fire
- Judge Fly Blown
- Judge Inspectors
- Judge Mortis
- Judge Omen
- Judge Ossify
- Judge Reaper
- Judge Scourge
- Judge Silence
- Judge Whitey
- Judges
- Junior Angel
- Junko Asahara
- Jurgen Griffin
- Kansyr
- Karyn
- Kazan
- Kelso
- Kev O'Neil
- Kevin Eastman
- Kigishu
- Killdozer
- Kit Agee
- Klegg Hounds
- Kleggs
- Knox
- Kodo
- Kolb
- Komputel
- Kovaks
- Krait
- Kraken
- Krilz
- Krong
- Krulgor
- Kurd
- Kyte
- La-saw
- Larf
- Larry Hoover
- Lawrod
- League Against Gambleing
- Legion of the Dammed
- Lester
- Lewis
- Lil Hades
- Lillith (Demon)
- Link Angel
- Lola
- Lola's Mistress
- Lorenzo
- Louis Mayer
- Louis Mayer's Nurse
- Lucas Rudd
- Lucky Mutiano
- Lynn Easter
- Lynsey Peters
- Mad Mox
- Manny Bloom
- Manticores
- Maria Cosgrove
- Marlon Shakesphere
- Marvin Threebod
- Masamune Taoka
- Max Quirxx
- Max Quirxx (Comic)
- McDonald's Marauders
- McIntyre
- McKlusky
- Mean Angel
- Medic Riot Commandos
- Mega-City Alien Zoo
- Mega-City One
- Mek-Quake
- Mercurian Dragon
- Mississippi Ferryman
- Mitchell
- Mom Nebb
- Monsteroso M16
- Montezuma Mashers
- Morph
- Morticia
- Morton Judd
- Mount Rushmore
- Mr. Gorgon
- Mr. Peanut
- Mr. Smith
- Mr Buzzz
- Mrs. Eastman
- Mrs. Pasternak
- Mrs Mahaffy
- Mugger's Moon
- Murd the Oppressor
- Mutant Slaver
- Mutants
- Mutie Brotherhood
- Nadia
- Nadia (Character)
- Natalie Kazan
- Nausea
- Neil Googe
- Neon Knights
- Neon Knights Grandmaster
- Nero Nacros
- Neutron Flats
- New York Aces
- Nicey Nicey
- Nosferatu
- Novar
- OMON Division
- Ocks
- Old One Eye
- Omar
- Ossie
- Ostrich Mutant
- Otis Nebb
- Overseers
- Owen Krysler
- Oxygen Board
- Pamelina Oswin
- Papa Por-Ka
- Parkes
- Pat Mills
- Pepper
- Percy
- Perrier
- Phobia
- Pierce
- Plague Men
- Police
- Police Bloodhound Robot